3 strategies to help you start something new

Every year, we start with the best intentions. We set goals, make resolutions but then somewhere along the line we fall short. Projects are left undone and unmet goals left unchecked. Apparently, 65% of people either don’t accomplish or fail(*) at completing their new year's resolutions. Why is it so hard to get started?

As humans, we usually need some sort of incentive to make things happen. Sometimes the incentive comes in the form of a reaction. Reacting to avoid a consequence. This is usually a difficult (and sometimes painful) incentive, often because they are emotionally charged. Opposite to that, incentives can sometimes be a motivator, to get something we want, often generating excitement and enthusiasm. Regardless, if the incentive is not there, then starting usually never happens.

No matter what the goal might be - starting will always be the most difficult first step. Here are three ways to help you get started: 

Break it down.

It doesn’t matter what the task or project might be, everything takes planning. Projects seem overwhelming when we only look at the end result, rather than the small steps needed to get to the end result. When the focus is on the small steps (that ultimately contribute to the goal), we make progress.

ACTION: Take some time to write out each step needed to complete your project (no matter how incremental) and work through that list. This will be your roadmap to completion.

Make a schedule.

As we mentioned, everything takes planning, and all that planning needs to be documented somewhere. Schedules remind us of time commitments and hold us accountable. Committing the time in your calendar to get a specific step done will ensure success for a project or task.

ACTION: Once you’ve broken down the project into specific tasks, map them out in your calendar and block out the time. We are more likely to act on something if we’ve made the time to do it. 

Request a lifeline.

Remember, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? A show that offered an opportunity to the contestant to request help if needed to reach the million-dollar prize. Life really should be no different. We all deserve the chance to request a lifeline for those projects we desperately want to complete but just can’t seem to get over the hump. There is no reason to struggle. Help is here, especially when it comes to organizing your life.

ACTION: Once you’ve realized you need a little extra help or push, call an expert, find an accountability partner, or check out a blog for advice. When supported, difficult things are never as hard as they might seem.  


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